Organic garden: how to mulch your vegetable garden?

Trees, beds, vegetables from the garden or potted plants … the vast majority of your plants and plants appreciate mulch. But what does it consist of? What does it mean to mulch your vegetable garden? In the past, «mulching» simply meant covering your garden with straw. Nowadays, mulching remains one of the gardener’s flagship activities, but straw is no longer the only way to protect collars and crops.
Why use mulching in your garden?
Mulching allows the garden to breathe, to oxygenate avoiding the proliferation of weeds for example. It is also a technique to feed the earth in an ecological and natural way. Depending on the method used, mulching also ensures more wealth and abundance at the harvest level. Indeed, mulching the soil will allow the soil to remain humid in the long term andci will then offer the garden a constant water reserve since it will use rainwater permanently hence a serious ecological and beneficial advantage for your vegetable garden which will therefore be more productive. Your crops will be continuously irrigated and they will no longer require as much watering as before, saving time and a chore for you.
There are many ways to mulch your garden, natural methods and tailor-made solutions. Natural mulching has the advantage of being ecological because it will allow you to recycle some of your waste that is to say to recover them for reuse in the garden.
How can you mulch your vegetable garden?
There are different ways to cover your vegetable garden: today, we focus on plant and natural solutions for a 100% organic garden. Do not hesitate to inquire also about the other techniques, so as to compare the arguments according to your needs.
- Economical and ecological, the first method is to use dead leaves or dried grass cuts and spread them on the surface of your garden on a thickness of about 5 cm. But before spreading this mulch, do not forget to remove all weeds that could affect the proper functioning of it and level your soil with a rake.
You should also avoid mulching all around your plants to prevent them from choking and rotting. The grass or dead leaves you collect will have to be dried before being spread to avoid the abundance of mold in your garden and thus guarantee a good compost and good protection to your soil.
- Straw remains an excellent mulch! Rich in potassium, it nourishes plants. Be careful however because to be effective and play its role, the straw must be poured in a thick layer (minimum 10 cm) and be untreated, without trace of pesticide. Otherwise, you will find these chemicals in the plants of your garden for example.
Note: straw can attract rodents!
- Bark and wood chips promote the formation of underground microorganisms: useful, it is also a very aesthetic mulch!
- Other equally economical mulching techniques exist: they include using cardboard or newspaper papers to cover your vegetable garden. The boxes are cut out and placed one on top of the other or, several sheets of newspaper are used, which are also placed on top of each other and covered with either dried grass or topsoil. This cover will guarantee excellent protection to your garden but will have to be changed every year to avoid soil rot.
Do you know other organic and natural mulching techniques? Feel free to share your experience!
Some practical information:
- when to mulch: from late winter/ early spring
- how to mulch: after weeding, clean and then water the ground to mulch